I went to Rompin, Pahang for my uncle's majlis sambut menantu.( He just got married. So wish him something guys!!). Why Rompin if any of you guys asking since it is soooooooo far, it is because that he is currently the Executive Chef and F&B Manager at Serai D' Lanjut Resort, he decided it is better to held the ceremony there. Good thing for me too since I am in dire need of vacation. Plus it's very rare for all of us to gather like this nowadays. I have few pictures of the resort here but that can wait right?
( OMG i wrote like I have so many readers. Haha.)
Played a few rounds of tennis, Frad sprained his ankle, and mostly a good exercise session for me. After the tennis session, I got myself cleaned up and readied myself for the event. My Pak Long's family all wear suits ( so cool cause I felt like we are some sort of Mafia family already). My Ayah Chik's side is quite casual but I'm not sure if I included his family in the video or not.
And for my two cousins, Nash and Syada that represent my Mak Lang side ( most of the family members went to UK) were stunning that night. So all of us marched toward the place where food were served, people gathered, and round tables were arranged.
The event started with a speech from my Pak Long, and my Mak Long became the emcee. After all of the non-fun part, here comes the best part, buffet. Hurm we got Grill section, Nasi Beriyani section, Salad section, and Dessert section. Since i can get Nasi beriyani from mamak, i narrowed my choices to just grilled food and some dessert items. I am not sure if i got the video in my handphone or not, but if i got, i will upload it later.
And here comes the moment where the title of this post concerned, the shattered dignity. After all those food stuffing part, we had some karaoke thingy. And I think all of you know how much i hate karaoke due to my inability to sing in a correct tone. Right after Frad went up the stage to sing his own original song, every newphew or niece, regardless of their age were forced to stand up on the stage, singing an Indonesian song ( I forgot the name though) and luckily most of us just acted as backup singers while Frad and Nash acted as the main. I hate singing songs I never knew/heard and adding up the singing on a stage part, it was really humiliating for me as I was lip-singing all the time because I never heard that song before. Owh and it shattered even more as there are two hot Singaporean babes joining the event as their family was regular customer there. So basically I was humiliated in front of hot abbes. What is more humiliating than that. Well actually it was not so bad. Haha. I'm afraid that I might sound a bit disrespect or whatsoever but I really do appreciate that i was given the chance to attend the event. Seeing an uncle that has always been so close to me getting married, I wouldnt mind even if i have to sing alone on the stage.( Haha i really do hope i got the courage to stand on the stage alone.. ) After that, one by one. my uncles, my dad, my cousins, even my brother went up and had some fun there. Some of us were forced by our dads to give flowers to anyone who was singing on the stage. Owh and talking about giving flowers, my cousin, Afiq was forced by his dad, and us, to give a bouquet of flower to the Singaporean babes little sister, which is quite hot as well. Ngeee....
And there are some other activities that night, and seeing that this post is getting too long already, I decide to end it here. Daa......
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