A pretty tiring week for me. As some of you know. i went to langkawi few days ago and yes,it was a hell of experience. Even before taking the plane, i met interesting people, an Australian drifter who despised civilization and believes in commune with nature. However, not all is good, a complication happened due to bad planning(however, i believed that it was a blessing in disguise) where while most tourist just do island hopping, we had to do some hotel hopping. Most hotels were booked and we are left with only 1 night stay per hotel.

There are few interesting places worth to be mentioned in this post. the first one is Galeria Perdana (Prime Gallery), which if im not mistaken, is owned by our 4th Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad. This gallery got collections of gifts given by various people to Tun and pictures of him during his prime time. If you feel like having a view on top of this beautiful island, you can visit the Oriental Village where you can have a ride in the cable car. Even though this place adorned the Oriental word, yet there is no such thing as oriental in this place. In fact, it is so misleading that i felt like it is more of an amusement park rather than an oriental village. Mahsuri's Tomb is also a place worth to pay a visit, where you can learn the history of Mahsuri, of which made this island almost a legend in many eyes. However, during my visit there, i was a bit sad looking at how Mahsuri has been commercialized. So don't imagine that her tomb is out of civilization's touch since it will disappoint you like how it did to me. One activity to be highlighted here is island hopping where you will be taking a boat ride to three islands for the duration of around 3 1/2 to 4 hours. The sight of jade-colored sea running through your boat is an experience that you will cherish for many years to come. The first island that i was brought to is called Pregnant Maiden Island, which also houses one of the biggest lake, the Pregnant Maiden Lake. Legend said that a mother will be fertile after drinking the water from the lake. After the lake visit, I was brought to Wet Rice Island to see some eagle feeding. It was an interesting view. Later on, i was sent to a small island with white sandy beach. One thing to note about this island hopping, don't wear shoes or heels. Most advisable is flip-flop. Another thing is, if you are looking a sense of adventure, don't take those big boats or the one that covered you from seawater. Pick the one that most fishermen use. I'm glad that i picked the right boat for this session. by the way, if you want to save some money, don't go for agents but look for them yourself. You can get cheaper price that way. I don't know how to end this post with a good conclusion, so i guess this is it. Visit Langkawi when you have the time. You won't regret it.
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