Monday, January 31, 2011

Facebook Devalues Musicians

It has been a huge trend nowadays where companies such as Volkswagen which uses Facebook to create a hype for their products and this is done by organizing competitions where Facebookers need to 'like' the contestants. It is a cheap way, or perhaps, even a cost-free, non-hassle for the organizers. This creates a huge,biased decisions to select the winner as it seems like THE CONTESTANTS ASKED FRIENDS,FRIENDS OF FRIENDS, & FAMILY TO 'LIKE' THEM.

Now, tell me how this musicians that won the competition truly deserved the title or the prize. It looks like the industry is deciding their best based on who knows more people, not who can play the best music.   I still remember the golden age of Myspace, where the site only acts as a platform for indie musicians to showcase their talents, not as  a capitalists tools to 'use' musicians for their own profit. Of course, this new 'hip' band that won the competition might not last long because of the insincere way of winning, but how sure are we nowadays that the next 'hip' band is not famous because of the same modus operandi.

In fact, while people think that this is the indie era where a lot of independent musicians come to surface and become famous in the mainstream world, I highly doubt so. For me, this is the end of the golden era where independent musicians stop playing msuci to express themselves but to gain profit or become famous. I miss the time where I listened to Butterfingers for its provocative lyrics and many others which has surprised me.

May this dark age be over soon.

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