Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alone and Scared

Not really scared but obviously alone. Suddenly this house feels so empty without my dad’s laugh, my mom’s presence while trying to beat my dad’s high score in Spider Solitaire, and my siblings’ annoying actions. I felt so intoxicated by this silentness. I really appreciate it when Asyraf decided to pick me up just to hang out or else i could be very lonely today. It’s funny seeing how we always lepak together but only these past few years that we really talked. For some reasons, i think my blog’s template is really gloomy, added up with there is no almost no picture at all here.Maybe it reflects my life, gloomy, dark and sad. Maybe tomorrow’s outing can cheer me me up a bit and not forgetting that Transformers 2 is coming out. Now i see some ray of hopes…Heh

*Edit: Now i think it's less gloomy already with the new template.

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