Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dance Dance Revolution

Due to the loneliness that i had few days ago, I went to college just to hang out with Bowie. Apparently she went there to settle her PTPTN. Gerard was there as well so we decided to teman Bowie getting Michelle a birthday present. Bowie showed her dark side to us all the way to Times Square. It's okay Bowie, we still love you even though you cursed more than 20 times to almost every driver that drove in front of you. Hehe. After meeting Panpan at Times, went to KFC for lunch and my theory about Bowie's fetish was proven there. Bowie, stop pretending that it's not true okay?

After lunch, we scoured to almost every floor in Times to get something for Michelle which i dont think i should disclose here what is it, but i bet that Michelle will thank them for that kind of present. Once they settled all the payments, Bowie asked whether we want to see them play some dancing game or not. I will upload the videos later so you guys can see how awesome they were on those machine. After spending their energy on those games, we decided to finish our tokens on Daytona. *This is for Gerard: Heh, after all the tricks that you did to made me lose, I still won..1st place pulak tu...

However, good things will end someday and mine happened that very night.

I Am Devastated

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