Saturday, September 12, 2009

Holla People!!

It has been 1 month and a half since i updated this blog. and up until now, i dont really have anything to write about( or maybe because I just don't feel like writing). The reason why you guys can read this post also thanks to Lee Yee for forcing me to write random stuffs here.

Everything seems to be changing rapidly in front of my very own eyes. Some things that i wish would still be here, is not here anymore. Plus, assignments are KILLING me....and mid term tests are due next week but my body is still tired from the heavy duty tasks yesterday (Oh, shut up Zhaf! That's just an excuse for you to procrastinate and don't use tasks when you are actually having so much fun yesterday).

Okay okay.. It's not really some tasks...I went to Pavillion to catch a movie, The Ugly Truth..thanks to Jeremy for forcing me to go's a nice movie..but beware to all those potential-to-be viewers, unless you are not dirty-minded people like me and Jeremy, be prepared to be left aghast with all the dirty jokes and terms..

To end this post.. I would like to ask a dear friend that i hold closely to my heart:

When was the last time you flicked your beans?

Roger and out.

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